Giulia Battistoni: Sobre la comprensión de la dialéctica entre imputación, destino y castigo en la historia de Edipo de K. H. Gros a Hegel, in: «Studia Hegeliana», vol. VIII (2022), pp. 191-210 (double-blind peer review). ISSN: 2444-0809.


Karl Heinrich Gros has never been considered as a possible source in the development of Hegel’s imputation and action theory up to now. This paper demonstrates the influence of his essay Über die Ideen der Alten vom Schicksal (1795) on Hegel’s understanding of the dialectics between imputation, destiny and punishment with particular reference to the Oedipus’s story. After presenting Gros and its role in the 18th century in Germany and after reconstructing the main arguments of his essay (1.), the second part of the paper focuses on Hegel’s understanding of Oedipus Rex, underlining differences and similarities with Gros’ reading of it (2). This will show its relevance within the broader project of Hegel’s imputation theory in his Philosophy of Right.

Keywords: G.W.F. Hegel, K.H. Gros, Edipo, imputation

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