Giulia Battistoni: Azione e imputazione in G.W.F. Hegel alla luce dell’interpretazione di K. L. Michelet, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Press, La scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 2020 (ISBN: 978-88-97820-37-6).


G.W.F. Hegel’s Philosophy of Right represents, both in the Encyclopedic version and in the compendium that appeared in Berlin in 1820, the theoretical place in which Hegel’s practical philosophy is exposed, a terrain, not without obstacles, in which questions of law, morality and politics intertwine. Dealing with Hegel’s theory of action and imputation, which in the last thirty years has assumed a prominent role among the topics debated by the Hegel-Forschung, the volume clarifies the meaning of problematic passages and concepts, as well as Hegel’s fragmentary margin annotations to his copy of the Elements of the Philosophy of Right: for this purpose the author makes use not only of traditional secondary sources, such as additions and student notes relating to the Lectures on the Philosophy of Right, held in Heidelberg and Berlin from 1817 to 1831, but, in particular, it presents the reflections of Hegel’s scholar, Karl Ludwig Michelet, who developed, on the advice of his master, the topic of the imputation of human action, implementing a transposition of Hegel’s categories in the juridical field, recovering furthermore the Aristotelian concepts of voluntariness and involuntariness.
This original exegetical passage allows Hegel’s reflections to be inserted within the legal-moral debate of that time, offering a reinterpretation of annotations and passages of Hegel’s philosophy of action that have remained largely obscure up to now.

Reviewed in:
«Bulletin de littérature hégélienne» XXXI (2021), pp. 168-169 (author: Chiara Magni); available at this link:;
«Studia Hegeliana» vol. 8 (2022), Hegel y la filosofía del derecho, pp. 275-278 (author: Andrés Ortigosa Peña); available at this link:;
«Hegel Studien» 56 (2022), pp. 156-159 (author: Caterina Maurer); for further information about this issue, see:;
«Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy» 2 (2022), pp. 175-179 (author: Stefania Achella); available at this link:

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