On Monday, May 27, 2024, Vittorio Hösle (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) will hold in attendance at the University of Verona the seminar “Dalle filosofie della vita di Hegel e Jonas ai dibattiti contemporanei sulla sociobiologia” in which Dr. Giulia Battistoni will participate as discussant.

The event is organized by the Center Ricerche di Gnogseologia e Metafisica (University of Verona) and is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ReNa project “Collective Responsibility Towards Nature and Future Generations,” funded by the European Union.

The event will be held at 3:45 p.m. in the room E, via dell’Artigliere, 19 Verona.

You can attend remotely by contacting Davide Poggi (davide.poggi@univr.it) and/or Giulia Battistoni (giulia.battistoni@univr.it) to receive the Zoom link.